Thursday, August 23, 2007

Oregon News
Know Thy Neighbor Assistance

Oregon Rocks and I love having them as a neighbor--its like Seattle USED to be. Not as crowded or expensive-- YET....Its still a good secret....Found this news as reported by Towleroad and I love it...

Activist group Know Thy Neighbor plans to add Oregon to the list of states in which it's taking action. The group publishes names of those signing petitions that overturn gay rights bills passed in the state earlier this year, according to the Statesman Journal:

A coalition of conservative Christians is circulating petitions to put the two measures before voters in the November 2008 election. That would enable Oregon voters to decide whether to grant marriage-style rights to same-sex couples via domestic partnerships, and whether to ban discrimination against gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgendered people. Know Thy Neighbor pledged to launch a new Web site that will list the petition signers' names and addresses."

Know Thy Neighbor has already published names of those signing anti-gay legislation petitions in both Massachusetts and Florida.


M- Filer said...

That is fantastic. Biggotry SHOULD be outed. I am all for it! Come to Virginia!!

Unknown said...

Sounds like a great pro-active group. Kudos for their efforts !!!