Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Sooo Gay Johnny Weir
A Modern Day Liberace
In honor of hump day lets go SOOOO GAY today.....I have to admit some gay boys deserve props-- even Johnny Weir......He is SOOOO GAY! Which is soooo ok.... as we all should love each other and there is nothing wrong with a boy that is SOOOO GAY! I mean he gives most straight women a run for there money! I love his LV bag and his whole Liza look here.

Now speaking of SOOO GAY....Saw a tidbit on LIBERACE last night on TV..... I'm sure you may have already heard but in case you didnt..... I guess Micheal Douglas is cast as Liberace and Matt Damon is cast as his lover....Wow! I just hope it is done well and not a bomb.....I Love Liberace so this maybe very interesting.


robertga99 said...

WOW, Lucky Michael Douglas :)
I think those two will be great. I remember both of them made guest appearances on Will & Grace. Michael played a gay character and he was great. Matt played a str8 guy acting gay to get a spot in the gay men's chorus and he was great.
I love Johnny...he is out there and makes no apologies for it and I LOVE that about him

Paul Benjamin said...

Johnny knows who he is, and I respect that!

That's more than we can say for a lot of other people out there...

Xander S said...

I love Johhny Weir- he knows who he is and he's damn proud of it.
If you can't love yourself, how the hell you gonna love anybody else!!

Anonymous said...

Ilove Johnny! He is articulate, and out and proud and marches to the tune of his own drum, music, beat, or skates. hehe.

Anonymous said...

robertga99 - the first thing I thought of is that both played gay characters on Will & Grace. I LOVED Michael Douglas' character best, especially the scene at the club when they were dancing. Woot!

Anonymous said...

I want Matt Damon to be my lover.

queer heaven said...

I think both Michael & Matt are terrific actors & they will do a good job. I am just a little tired of straight actors playing gay! There has to be thousands of gay SAG members to choose from.

Writer said...

I admire him for living so outloud. The gayest I get is when I'm doing the dead - or possibly pissed off after too much wine. lol