I cant figure out what/why.....I do know I was stung by 5 bees a few weeks ago while I was cleaning the yard? I checked out the areas I was stung and it looked ok and healed and this bee stings was on Monday the 21st....Over a week ago....I also ate a coconut doughnut yesterday afternon and thats when the itching started?PLus my throat felt funny..... hmmmmm..Are people allergic to coconut?
So Got up this morning and I feel like crap-- I am run downed and feel like I have been put through a hard night of partying.....Kinda like the flu...My body is sore and fatigued and yes the hives are still all over but not swollen just blotchy all over still--even my hands.......Jeff wants me to go to the doc...but I have no insurance! Since I am in between jobs...my new bene's start on 9/01! I have to try to make it 4 1/2 weeks with no med needs.........I would of stayed home sick today but with the new job I also don't have any sick time off yet either! So I am at work hoping the day goes fast so I can get home and go back to bed as I am sooo sleepy! If this doesn't get better I will go to my old doctor that I had 20 years ago...The Community Doctor...it was my doctor when I had no insurance in my 20's .....Its staffed by "family" so its a good place to go when you are down and out....